Borekh Gelman
Who is this he who is following us close
in your every step there?
Through every crack in a mouse hole
you feel his cold watching stare…
His look is ice cold
with mustache sticky and damp
with paws slippery with evil
crept up on your skin
You feel his breath everywhere
it smells bad and is sticky
he is awake deaf and dumb
his walk catty soft and quick
He appears out of darkness
and slides toward your neck
and spears darts in your feet
two sharp knives – every look
He follows every step
that hurries in rhythm
“Not lord not king not god
will interfere us on our way!…
Who is the one who awaits
on each step in the dark?
he weaves gallows of your head
and will disturb our way?’’
At every corner at every door
a dark figure appears that could
spreads a gray net for you
as for an animal in the woods…
He sniffs and slides at every wall
his ear is keen and turned to shudder
He reaches out a hand to you
that warms a coal for your breast
So this is who now is gone
in the shame of himself
he was sent by his own shame
by his master like a dog
for money his brother and his friend
therefore, his slavish blood that
crawls with shame will always be
linked to his name!…