Category: Kalman Lis

  • I’m Not Moving From Here

    Who else like me – for generations kindred with the field, with grass and stalk, / joined to my border, with air and earth – / can say: let the axe be like a sword – a ritual slaughterer’s knife sharp in the enemy’s cold hand. I’m not going to be moved!

  • Little Hands

    Today my life came to an end / Ekh! To hell with such a life as I am living! / I saw blue children, little hands outstretched / begging something to be given…

  • What Does This Old Gray Jew Want From Me?

    What does this old gray Jew want from me / who comes to me to visit every night / and weighs me down with sadness and dark fears / with eyes black holes with tears

  • About Kalman Lis

    Kalman Lis (1903-1942) was born in Kovel, Volhynia, in modern day Ukraine, to a family with rural roots. Lis studied in a traditional kheder, then in a Polish gymnazie, and in Vilnius and Warsaw high schools. He specialized in the care of Special Needs Children. From 1937 until his death, he was in charge of…