Category: Y L Kohn

  • My Way Out of the Workshop

    I moved out of the workshop to the Union / into the library, organizing and youth club / a new environment replaced my poor / little sorrowful home

  • Time Ago and Today

    Time ago the street led me into work, / today work leads me – into the street / and I drag myself with healthy hands / like a hundred thousand others, here and there…

  • My Synagogue

    My “shul” is my poor home / the yard, the streets of the city; / the streets surrounding were like stone tablets / like stone tablets marked with blood

  • My Way through Life

    My way through life, was through / Years of injustice and bitter suffering and anger / In my young life I struggled through / years of epidemics and hunger

  • About Y L Kohn

    Y L Kohn (1905-1940) was born in Warsaw, and worked as a metal worker. He wrote children’s literature as well as poetry, mainly in publications of the Bund. He was killed in Russia in 1940.