The Song Remains

People of the Warsaw Ghetto merged with a map of the Nazi occupation of Poland

דאָס ליד איז געבליבן

Light Right now – stream your brightest rays / melt brightness into my eyes / and pull me into white light / swimming into a light stream Read more…
About Shmuel Vulman Shmuel Vulman (1896-1941) was born in Kałuszyn, near Warsaw into a poor Hassidic family. He moved to Warsaw in 1917, and became active in the left Labour Zionists. He published poetry in many Yiddish journals, wrote a number of popular books, and also translated works from other languages into Yiddish. Read more…
Hot Nights Hot nights / have drunk / our stammering / Naked we / rolled around on roses / Millions of songs / died then Read more…
About Ber Horovits Ber Horovits (1895-1942) was born in the rural village of Majdan, in the Carpathian Mountains of eastern Galicia. He received a traditional Jewish education at home, and also studied at a Ukrainian primary school, and graduated from the Polish gymnasium in Stanisławów. He fought for the imperial Austro-Hungarian army during the First World War, and… Read more…
Actually Close your doors, lock all up / mad dogs are howling in this dark city / … / waking little children – making them cry / those who long have been saddened / will even sadder be Read more…
About Misha Troyanov Misha Troyanov, also known as Misza Trojanow (1906-1942) was a pen name used by Moyshe Troyanovski. He was born in Dąbrowa Górnicza near Będzin, and later lived in Łódź and Warsaw. He and had a religious education, and later worked as a tutor, business agent, and storehouse employee. His literary work first appeared in a… Read more…
Be an Engineer It’s a mighty symphony / just one word – not more: / Over human soul / Be an Engineer. Read more…
* * * When from my little village I was parted / My grandfather took me to the lake / the spring sun warmed the blue sky / He handed me a note when we said goodbye Read more…
My Boss’s Clock My Boss owns a clock / like all bosses do / but this clock was made funny / by the firm “Time is Money” Read more…
About Borekh Gelman Borekh Gelman (1910-1941) was born in Widze (Vidzy) near Vilnius, now in Belarus. Gelman wrote for many publications including Di Naye Folks-tsaytung, Kleyne Folks-staytung, Yugnt-veker, Bokhnshrift, Foroys, Viner Tog, and Literarishe Bleter. He moved to Warsaw in 1936 and lived there until 1939. When the Nazis invaded Poland he escaped back to Widze, but was… Read more…