Tag: Warsaw

  • About Khayim Semiatitski (Chaim Semiatitsky)

    Khayim Semiatitski (1908-1943) was born in Tykocin into a rabbinic family, and was ordained as a rabbi, but never assumed an official position. He moved to Warsaw, and began to write poetry, poems, stories, and critical reviews which were published in a number of newspapers and literary journals. His book Tropns Toy (Dewdrops) won the…

  • Warsaw Themes

    Not for nothing do childish cries / sound against my blue windows all night // In the morning a mother tossed her 6-day old child / on to the corner of Karmelicka Street

  • About Borekh Olitzki (Baruch Olitzky)

    Borekh Olitzki (1907-1941) born in Turzysk (Trisk / Turiis’k), Volhynia, the middle brother in a literary family. Borekh was educated in a kheder (religious school). He lost his father during the First World War, and moved to Ratno (Ratne) where he lived with an uncle. He taught throughout Volhynia, and later in Łódź and Warsaw…

  • About Shmuel Vulman

    Shmuel Vulman (1896-1941) was born in Kałuszyn, near Warsaw into a poor Hassidic family. He moved to Warsaw in 1917, and became active in the left Labour Zionists. He published poetry in many Yiddish journals, wrote a number of popular books, and also translated works from other languages into Yiddish.

  • About Misha Troyanov

    Misha Troyanov, also known as Misza Trojanow (1906-1942) was a pen name used by Moyshe Troyanovski. He was born in Dąbrowa Górnicza near Będzin, and later lived in Łódź and Warsaw. He and had a religious education, and later worked as a tutor, business agent, and storehouse employee. His literary work first appeared in a…

  • About Borekh Gelman

    Borekh Gelman (1910-1941) was born in Widze (Vidzy) near Vilnius, now in Belarus. Gelman wrote for many publications including Di Naye Folks-tsaytung, Kleyne Folks-staytung, Yugnt-veker, Bokhnshrift, Foroys, Viner Tog, and Literarishe Bleter. He moved to Warsaw in 1936 and lived there until 1939. When the Nazis invaded Poland he escaped back to Widze, but was…

  • About Sholem Zhirman

    Sholem Zhirman (1909-1941) was born in Vilnius, and worked as a carpenter in his father’s workshop. He was jailed on several occasions for his activities in the revolutionary movement. He published his first poems in Warsaw’s Literarishe Tribune. He was confined in the Bereza Kartuska concentration camp between 1933 and 1939, where he contracted tuberculosis…

  • About Kalman Lis

    Kalman Lis (1903-1942) was born in Kovel, Volhynia, in modern day Ukraine, to a family with rural roots. Lis studied in a traditional kheder, then in a Polish gymnazie, and in Vilnius and Warsaw high schools. He specialized in the care of Special Needs Children. From 1937 until his death, he was in charge of…

  • About Y L Kohn

    Y L Kohn (1905-1940) was born in Warsaw, and worked as a metal worker. He wrote children’s literature as well as poetry, mainly in publications of the Bund. He was killed in Russia in 1940.